Friday, February 24, 2012

Try to imagine how to more background information

Information about HIV and immunodeficiency. Natural treatment of immune deficiency support a weakened immune system. What is the immunodeficiency? The immune system allows the body to fight disease and infection on a daily basis. Although we usually do not know about it, we are constantly surrounded by many viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins that pose a potential threat to our health. If it were not for the immune system, these microbes and foreign cells would have the upper hand. Like most other major body systems, the immune system does its important work, without thought and effort on our part. Typically, only when things go wrong that we realize how much

immune system. Different in degree of severity, immune deficiency can be considered as a condition where

Protection systems of the body affected,

causing it to be less resistant to invasion of foreign cells. Abnormal cells that develop inside the body system also can multiply and cause disease when the immune system is compromised. ((For example, as

What is the cause of immunodeficiency? Immune deficiency can occur for several reasons. Whatever the reason, people who have compromised or weakened immune system

, usually more prone to catching the flu, colds, infection or

, they are usually resistant K. After effects of previous illness, infection or trauma

One of the common causes of reduced immune a disease or infection. Once your body is subjected to attack from any kind of disease, the immune system takes some time to fully recover This can often create a vicious circle -. if you start to feel better, your immune system is still weak, so that your body is still vulnerable to another invasion. If you are sick before the immune system is fully recovered, the disease usually affects stronger and recovery takes longer. Some diseases have also been known to weaken the immune system, such as chicken pox, measles, tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis and some cancers. injuries such as burn injuries or operations also tend to have lower first-line immune system defense (skin and protective membranes), and the body must share much of their energy and resources between healing and fighting infections. Influence of unbalanced lifestyle: malnutrition: undernutrition

and unbalanced nutrition leading causes of reduced immune system study showed that malnutrition and starvation threaten the potential of the lymphatic system, making the body more vulnerable to infection. and disease. ensuring that you eat

healthy, nutritious diet

plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, integral-grains, legumes and natural oils, you can help strengthen the natural immune response. Also, try to avoid excessive amounts of bad products such as sugar, animal fats and highly refined products, as they generally weaken the immune system stress.

allergies immune system
Many studies have shown that stress makes strange powerful influence on the immune system is limited by short-time stress. such as public speaking or momentary fright, usually temporarily strengthen the immune system, preparing the body to potential threats and providing he impetus which it may be necessary. However, prolonged stress tend to have the opposite effect, and has been shown to significantly suppress the immune system not vyspavsya .. Too little sleep or poor sleep weakens the immune system, making the body more susceptible to other diseases and disorders, although not fully understood,

people who suffer from sleep disorders tend to have weak immune functioning than those who are from 7 to 8:00 sleep every night, such as unbalanced promotes sleep leads to weaken the immune system Poor hygiene habits .. Simple hygiene habits such as washing hands regularly and maintaining a clean environment go a long way in helping the immune system protect us from potentially harmful organisms the effects of certain drugs. Some drugs, especially immunosuppressants drugs

such as corticosteroids or drugs used after organ transplantation (to reduce the chances of the immune system rejecting the new and foreign bodies) have a negative impact on the immune system. While the suppression of the immune system is to these drugs, it leaves the body open to all kinds of other infections and diseases. Chemotherapy often reduces the body .. the defense for several months, during and after treatment This is due to the fact that chemotherapy reduces the number of leukocytes in the blood, which is an important element of the immune system of regular use of antibiotics can also promote weakening of the immune system - due to the same drugs, but because they do not give the immune system to cope with the invading organisms, and thereby strengthen a serious disease. There is a group of immune disorders associated with immunodeficiency known as immunity here. system response greatly reduced or absent These disorders can be divided into two categories -.

Primary (also known as congenital) immunodeficiency, which are rare genetic defects that man is born with or pre-configured, or <.

Acquired immunodeficiency disorder caused by external factors such as disease, malnutrition, trauma or some examples immunodeficiency violations include:

As shown, the immune system plays an important role lasix prescritpion, and sometimes needed some help. Thanks to the support and enrichment of immune system, we take an important step in creating resistance to disease and reducing susceptibility to colds, viruses and cancer. There are a number of ways to strengthen the immune system and provide treatments for immune deficiency. For example, improving the system through the practice of healthy lifestyle, exercise, nutrition , good habits of sleep, regular use of natural remedies, all of which help maintain optimum performance. Instead of antibodies needed for protection against viruses,

unborn children receive immunity from their mothers. However, the number and type of antibodies the child receives is based exclusively against the mother. In addition, along with obtaining immunity from the mother, children can develop

immunodeficiencies of certain diseases, may contract as AIDS and HIV during birth or through breast milk during lactation. Children deficiency of the immune system to fight recurrent infections, particularly upper respiratory tract, which can be very harmful to the opportunities generated flourish. Although there is no cure for immunodeficiency, there are many things parents can do to ensure

immunodeficient children happy and healthy. immune failure of treatment often depends largely on the cause has been diagnosed by a doctor. For serious diseases of the immune system such as HIV, drug treatment is almost always necessary. If other causes such as diet or lifestyle-related factors found that the fault treatment will include a major restructuring of eating and living habits aimed at correcting the causes of immune system problem. It is therefore important to see a specialist that your immune deficiency diagnosed correctly. Try to imagine how to more background information about your condition as possible so that your doctor can better understand your condition. Blood tests may also need to determine if your condition is the result of autoimmune diseases. some herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used as support for the treatment of immune deficiency for thousands of years, with great effect. grass such as Echinacea purpurea, astragalus webbed, Inula helenium and Withania somnifera are well documented for their antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties as well as their ability to strengthen and support the immune system. These herbs provide a tonic effect on the immune system and often are taken to prevent disease and help recovery. Remember that the therapeutic dose is important when using herbal medicines - so make sure you source them from reputable companies

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