Friday, February 24, 2012

According to the report, in january 19 ...

According to a report in the Jan. 19 issue of BMJ, drug companies exaggerate the benefits of drugs for osteoporosis, and minimize the risk of osteoporosis prescriptions for women whose bones seem a little weak (a condition called osteopenia). The report says that drug companies insist on women with osteopenia make the same products that women with osteoporosis prescribed, the problem with this scenario is that women with osteopenia as low risk for fractures from osteoporosis medicine would provide almost no benefit . Co-author Dr. Pablo Alonso, Coelho, a family physician at the hospital Sant Pau in Barcelona, ​​said that four studies that found benefits of drugs for osteoporosis in women with osteopenia exaggerate benefits. To illustrate how numbers can be manipulated for selfish purposes, Dr. Alonso, Coelho gives the following example:

absolute risk women with osteoporosis who have a crack at this year could be 10 percent. The effect of the drug osteoporosis is to reduce the risks in half, so the absolute benefit is a 5-percent reduction. But in women with pre-osteoporosis (osteopenia), the risk of fracture is very low, say 1 percent a year, so if you are less than twice, you go to 0. 5 percent absolute reduction. In one study cited in the article Dr. Alonso, Coelho claimed 75 percent

relative risk reduction of fractures. >> << Absolute risk reduction was 0. 9 percent, which, in terms of statistics, meaning that up to 270 women with osteoporosis previously will have to take drugs for osteoporosis for three years to prevent one fracture. Article Dr. Alonso, Coelho concludes: "This move to treat pre-osteoporosis raises serious questions about the benefit and risk relationship with low risk and cost of medykalizatsiyi and potentially cure a huge group of healthy people."

If this scenario sounds familiar to you, is that this issue - trying to create standards of medical practice that are relatively healthy people take prescription medications - permeates all routine medical industry, courtesy of the pharmaceutical industry. If you are skeptical about the validity of this assertion, note the section on guidelines for cholesterol in the next article. Note that osteopenia is thought to affect nearly half of older women, and it is obvious that the pharmaceutical industry has much to gain by encouraging the use of drugs osteoporosis in women with osteopenia. The risk of osteoporosis drugs taking study Dr. Alonso, Coelho also found that the potentially harmful effects of osteoporosis drugs regularly exaggerate the stakes in osteoporosis research. For example, the study, which involved re-analysis of data on osteoporosis drug called raloksifen, selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), says nothing about the increased risk of blood clots. Just this month, researchers at the University of British Columbia and McGill University, class of osteoporosis prevention drugs (bisphosphonates) receiving millions of women around the world, which can lead to bone necrosis, painful and disfiguring condition. Administration of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration also issued a warning about bisphosphonates, including alendronate ryzedronat, warning that these drugs can cause severe pain in the bones. Natural ways to prevent osteoporosis hope this article has convinced you that osteoporosis drugs should not be taken without careful study of many effects that they may have on your physiology. If you are concerned, osteopenia or osteoporosis, and want to do everything possible to prevent or solve these health problems through natural means, I hope you find these suggestions to be helpful. A. Be physically active. No other aspect of your life has a greater impact on bone health. If you are physically active, your body will work to make your bones strong and flexible as possible. If you have to sedentary lifestyle, your body will work to create and maintain strong bones as well as your lifestyle, not signaling the need for such bones. 2. Eat foods rich in minerals on a regular basis. Your body needs a lot more than calcium to build and maintain healthy bones. If you believe that your bones are composed of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, silicon and many other trace elements should be clear that eating mineral-rich foods is far superior to take calcium supplements, based on when it comes to providing comprehensive nutrition for your bones. Green vegetables and herbs are healthy, rich in minerals products that you can eat. If you want to make sure that you actually get the minerals in green vegetables and herbs into the blood to become available to the bones and other organs, chew these plants completely. Thorough chewing helps ensure that the protective walls of the cells that surround all the cells of plants sufficiently broken to allow your body to have access to the many minerals contained in these cells. How freshly-squeezed vegetable juices and mix well and other ways to ensure that you really get minerals in green vegetables and herbs into the bloodstream. The use of high quality can also help ensure your blood and bones of the rich raw material security. 3. Consider drinking mineral rich broths on a regular basis. Broth, which made the boiling bones and different vegetables for an hour or longer, is a fantastic source of calcium and other minerals that can be used to keep your bones strong and flexible. Mineral rich broth is the main source of dietary calcium in East Asia like Korea, China and Japan, where many people are unable to fully digest milk products. These broths take significant time and effort to regularly, but they are making efforts as they provide almost instant nutrition for your bones and other organs. 4. Ensuring adequate vitamin D status. Adequate amounts of vitamin D must be present in your body of calcium in foods to be optimal development and utilization. When the weather is warm and sunlight is easy to present the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D status of exposed skin exposed to sunlight on a regular basis without getting burned. Sunlight acts on cholesterol found in the skin to produce vitamin D. Your body knows to stop production of vitamin D so when you set up properly. Please note that use of sunscreen with SPF 8 or higher can prevent sunlight acts on cholesterol in the skin to produce vitamin D. If the weather is cool and sunlight is not readily available, the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D status is regularly one or more products that are naturally rich in vitamin D. Different varieties of fish like salmon and sardines are good food sources of natural vitamin D. High quality

another good food source of natural vitamin D. 5. Eat high quality fats and cholesterol. Consumption of high-quality fats optimizes the absorption of vitamins A and D in the blood. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain your intestines healthy and easy to absorb minerals in the foods you eat. For these reasons, it is almost impossible to optimally healthy bones and teeth, not including healthy fats in your diet. Organically raised red and white meat (should use caution when eating it - with proper planning, there is no physiological need for red and white meat)

healthy cholesterol levels and are necessary for a healthy bowel, which can optimally absorb useful minerals in the blood. Healthy cholesterol levels can help ensure a proper state of cholesterol in your system so that the sunlight has enough cholesterol to act to produce vitamin D. While your body can produce cholesterol from other nutrients, it makes sense to ensure adequate cholesterol levels by taking a healthy cholesterol level. 6. Learn how to manage emotional stress. Chronic emotional stress can increase cortisol levels in the blood. Cortisol is useful to deal with stress, but if it remains high in your system in the long run, this can lead to bone matrix weaken. Corticosteroid drugs can weaken bones and cause osteoporosis if used in large quantities and / or for a long time. 7. Avoid regular consumption of foods that can lead to bones lose calcium. Acid-forming food products, which bring down the pH of blood. You can not survive if the pH levels of your movement outside the very narrow range (7. 35 to 7. 45), so that your body has to buffer the impact kyslotoobrazuyuschyh products to support healthy blood pH level. One of the main ways in lasix 150 mg which your body buffer kyslotoobrazuyuschyh products is to take calcium from your bones and use it to neutralize the residue kyslotoobrazuyuschyh products. If your body does not have to do it again, your bones may be weakened. Biscuits, cakes and pastries with white flour

8. Regularly eat foods rich in vitamin C. Collagen is a long, fibrous protein that is crucial for bone tensile strength. In short, better quality collagen that you have in your bones, the more exercise that your bones can withstand the violation. Your body needs Vitamin C for collagen synthesis.

pathophysiology of emphysema
Please note that there is a difference between the full range of vitamin C contained in the real products and synthetic forms of vitamin C is found in many food additives. Some excellent food sources of vitamin C is real:

For more information on how to prevent osteoporosis naturally, including information on anatomy and physiology of bone, type:

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