Friday, February 24, 2012

Skin infections can become severe if the drug

What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are >>

example, or substances that are both. Doctors prescribe them to treat problems such as delay >> << and other medical problems that cause >> << body to make very small amount of testosterone. Steroids make muscles bigger and stronger bones

. They can also cause

start and can help some boys

, having to grow normally. Common anabolic steroids medications include (eg) >> << and nandrolone (such as Durabolin). In the United States, you must

recipe for any anabolic steroid. Illegal anabolic steroids are

people without prescription. Some people take

, legal dietary supplements that have certain steroid hormones also made >> << the human body. One lasix online no prescription such drug is

(DHEA). The body can become

DHEA into other steroid hormones, including testosterone, and. People use it to try to make their muscles more

. Whether such products actually work has not been proven. But if you

take them in large quantities, they can cause the same side effects as anabolic steroids >>. << Why do some people abuse anabolic steroids? Some adults and use of illegal anabolic steroids >> << to decrease body fat, more muscle and increase strength. They use

drugs because they want to improve how well they play sports, or as

viewed. The dose of illegal anabolic steroids is 10 to 100

times higher than the dose your doctor prescribes medical problems. People

often use more than one of these drugs at the same time. This is called

conclusion.10 facts about the immune system Or they can take medication in the cycle of drugs not on the high >> << dose over several weeks to several months. This is called a pyramid. Anabolic steroids are taken in pill form, as a shot in the muscles, or as >> << gel or cream rubbed. What problems can abusing anabolic steroids cause? Anabolic steroids can cause

serious side effects. Some of these effects can be permanent. In men, anabolic steroids may:

reduced. Zoom

testicles. Because you can not have children.

Click to enlarge breasts. In women, anabolic steroids may:

increase in body hair. Make >> << rough skin. Reduce the size of the breast. Enlarge

clitoris. The deepening of the voice. In both men and women, anabolic steroids can cause >> <<: >> << bone growth to stop before completion of a teenager. Teenagers >> << can not achieve its full growth adult. Or that even very young man. High blood pressure

higher levels of poor and low levels of good cholesterol. Diseases of the liver and possibly liver. The likelihood of these problems above, when steroids are taken in pill form >>. Oily skin and <<. Male pattern hair loss

. Skin infections can become serious if the product

infected by bacteria. Irritability, anger, uncontrolled high-energy

. (

), or false beliefs (delusions). .

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