Friday, February 24, 2012

Kortikosteroid drugs when used for long ...

Osteoporosis is a condition for reducing bone mass resulting in a significantly lower bone density. Here are nine groups with high risk as the causes of osteoporosis, including porous bones. A. Hyperparatiroid patients

paratiroid hormone can be attacked tumors. This interference is osteoclat cells. As a result, the cells increased the activity of osteoclasts. This condition causes people to try to reduce the suppression, decreased muscle strength, abdominal pain, and porous happens when the bone continues. 2. Hypertiroid patients

Causes hypertiroid Graves or too many hormones thyroxine production rate of thyroid cancer. Thus, metabolism is increased far above the norm. Organizer metabolism and body become too active. In contrast, the process was bone demineralization, which is more active. 3. Nervosa Anoreksia Strazhdalets the drug lasix

People anoreksia anorexia (aberration has templates) will make the intake of food is not fair. Anoreksia people are those who have a high awareness of the nutritional properties. But the distortion of knowledge about nutrition, so that they can not deal with the concept of nutrition information is for this reason, osteoporosis disease easily attack them. 4. Breastfeeding and pregnant

Pregnancy during calcium absorption in the intestine have to be increased to meet the calcium needs for children. Consumption of calcium daily in the capital is low, calcium is the child's needs must be met from existing stocks of calcium in the bones of his mother. The same can occur during breastfeeding. Distance pregnant, too short accelerate calcium loss in bones. In pregnancy, which determine the distance (eg 2-3 years), as expected, calcium status of mothers return to normal until the next pregnancy and lactation. 5. Bad eating habits

Catering models that cause osteoporosis are models with very low content of calcium and vitamins A, D and K.anabolic steroids dangers Vitamin sufficiency should be sent from natural sources such as vegetable old green leafy vegetables. Retrieved from consuming too much protein can also prevent osteoporosis. Fiber food is consumed in excessive and less useful to the organism. 6. User Kortikosteroid Medicine

Kortikosteroid drugs when used for long periods can lead to evil people. These drugs can cause trauma abdomen, raise blood sugar levels, elasticity of the skin lesions, cataracts, increased trail for more share, it is easier to have someone to infection, swelling of the face and legs, hypertension, and weak bones (osteoporosis). 7. Smoker

Diseases that are caused by smoking is one of the aberrations of osteoporosis. Weather, a substance in cigarette causes breakthrough esterogen women and hormone testosterone in men on excessive. As a result, the amount of hormones in the body decreases. With the decrease in both types of hormones support bone clearly be violated. 8. Excessive coffee drinking

drinking coffee with a bad influence on our health because it can increase speed by 36 percent cholesterol, the level of vitamin B6 reduce by 21 percent, and reduced bone density 0. 0023 percent. This happens when people drink three cups of coffee every day for two weeks. 9. Alcohol drinking

Alcohol can damage many body organs. One is the fragility of the bones. This condition may occur because of failure of systemic water content in the calcium content of minerals, which is an important element in bone density. Technorati Tags:,,,

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