Friday, February 24, 2012

Bazzi gradually reduced its dependence on

Porto Alegre, Brazil BЂ "Uruguay Augusto Bazzi started smoking when he was 18. At 45, when a simple exercise such as walking stairs was difficult, he lit a cigarette final. BЂњI felt my heart beat, BЂ "said Bazzi, 71. But shortness of breath continued to deteriorate. Bazzi was emphysema, a disease usually caused by smoking. But there are a few rare cases, patients born with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency of the enzyme, which causes them to shrink emphysema without smoking. Bazzi started taking drugs known as bronchodilators. At 66, he needed a bottle of oxygen for respiration. BЂњRoutine tasks such as bathing and tie shoelaces, you more and more effort BЂ, "he says. Faced with the lack of effective alternatives, Bazzi said the doctors in Montevideo, the capital city UruguayBЂ ™, and learned about innovative treatments offered in Brazil. Bazzi traveled 800 kilometers (497 miles) by car in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, with his wife and friend. But the passenger seat of his car should be removed to his oxygen tank can fit in the car. In July 2008, Bazzi passed the so-called one-sided bronchial valve implant surgery at the Center for emphysema treatment in hospital >>. << Centre is the first in Latin America, using this technology that is available in slightly more than 20 countries worldwide. Bazzi has what is called heterogeneous emphysema, ie some of his lungs affected more than others. And this is the type of emphysema treatment is covered. BЂњAfter valves were implanted, I cleaned your teeth, took a bath and dressed himself, who was wont to be, I could only do with my wifeBЂ ™ by BЂ, "he says. Bazzi gradually reduced its dependence on the oxygen cylinder, and is now used only when he sleeps. But Bazzi still influence emphysema. BЂњI canBЂ ™ t run fast or climb stairs, because my heart rate is accelerated BЂ, "he says. BЂњI have to be careful with cold weather and humidity and try to avoid a cold or fever. Also, I can do anything any other retired 71-year old can do. BЂ "

BazziBЂ ™ s recovery stands as Brazil went beyond the traditional methods used to treat emphysema. In addition, the country has become a leader in emphysema research. Paulista State University (UNESP) is a global pioneer in the use of stem cells to regenerate damaged lung tissue of COPD. His work was published in

International Journal of COPD. Valves to improve the quality of life patientsBЂ ™ Take a deep breath and hold. Not letting her try to take a few quick breaths. Is it hard to keep breathing? ThatBЂ ™ it feels like someone who has emphysema. Now exhale. Help that comes as you release the air from the lungs just felt emphysema patients who received unilateral bronchial valve implant. Valves prevent air trapped in the lungs. Smoke entering the lungs destroying the lung alveoli, making light of the holes that hold more air, depending on the Rio Grande do SulBЂ pnevmonolohii ™ s society. The air is stored, light become more known as hyperinflation. This situation puts pressure on the diaphragm muscle, which is largely responsible for breathing, resulting in fiber atrophy from lack of movement. Breathing becomes more difficult and patients experience shortness of breath. BЂњThe valve implanted in the bronchus to block inhaled air from reaching the most affected parts of the lungs. This allows air to proceed directly to the most healthy parts, thereby reducing hyperinflation, BЂ "says pulmonologist Hugo de Oliveira Goulart, one of the coordinators of the Center Moinhos-de Vento Hospital. On average, three to four valves implanted per patient, but the number varies depending on the case. BЂњThe treatment is only recommended for people with heterogeneous emphysema, BЂ "Oliveira said. Company health insurance does not cover the procedure BЂ "at least a bye. Price depends on how many valves require the patient. However, the selection process to determine the suitability of patients is strict. BЂњWe takes more time for the functional assessment and planning procedures than we do current treatments, to be sure that the person meets all the prerequisites BЂ "Oliveira said. The patient is a series of tests, so that the team centerBЂ ™ s can define whatBЂ ™ and causes shortness of breath. BЂњThe score used to determine whether a person actually has to do heterogeneous emphysema, which can be improved with valve treatment BЂ "Oliveira said. BЂњIt also allows you to determine exactly where the valves to be placed. BЂ "

simple treatment. This procedure is a little: invasive and takes about 30 minutes. The patient remains hospitalized for observation for several days after surgery. BЂњThat is probably one of the biggest problems: ItBЂ ™ s way valve that can be implanted with relative ease, BЂ "Oliveira said. BЂњIn other words, itBЂ ™ s practically asking to be applied indiscriminately. That is why we are so focused on performing these evaluations. BЂ «

Moinhos-de Vento Hospital world famous for this type of operation. The Institute also trained physicians working in large medical centers in other states of Brazil. Moinhos-de Vento Hospital offers three courses to be attended by doctors from Stseo PauloBЂ ™ Heart Institute, Albert Einstein Hospital and Stsrio-LibantsYes Hospital, Rio de JaneiroBЂ ™ s Samaritan Hospital and Prtsi-Cardtsaco hospital and SalvadorBЂ ™ s Stseo Rafael Hospital . Doctors from Uruguay and Argentina also participated. BЂњIf we can prepare good doctors who argue that the level of service in the selection process, we can achieve positive results, BЂ "Oliveira said. BЂњIf this happens, the government will be able to lasix 50 mg iv offer treatment [free] with a single health care system [SUS]. BЂ "

COPD is a progressive disease that can not be cured emphysema is often accompanied by chronic bronchitis, which is a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In Brazil, five million are diagnosed with COPD, suffering 210 million worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). More than 121 were hospitalized for BrazilBЂ ™ with SUS in 2010 for secondary complications of COPD, according to the Ministry BrazilBЂ ™ s health. COPD is a progressive disease that can not be cured. Traditional treatment includes patientsBЂ ™ using bronchodilators and antibiotics. For stable patients, a different decision pulmonary rehabilitation, which includes physical activity guidance physiotherapist. Lung reduction surgery and lung transplantation and other alternatives, but they are highly invasive and expose patients to high risk. Carlos de Campos Ozi, 66, began smoking at age 7 years when he did not know about the risks habitBЂ ™ health. When he was 35, pulmonologist said that he had emphysema and that his total lung capacity was reduced to 74%. The doctor also said that if he gave up smoking, he would be able to control disease and prevent deterioration of the quality of his life. BЂњSince I didnBЂ ™ t feel anything, I continued to smoke, BЂ, "he says. His two-component a day habit has made the situation worse. He tried to quit dozens of times. BЂњI couldnBЂ ™ t go a month without cigarettes, so IBЂ ™ d start again BЂ, "he says. BЂњI believed in my heart that I would never get sick. BЂ "

Six years ago, Campos experience extreme shortness of breath, that he suffered almost stop breathing. It was a sure sign. BЂњWhen you start to feel bad itBЂ ™ so that the disease already is BЂ, "he says, wishing he would have pushed the habit years ago. Campus has difficulty breathing on their own. But he had just passed the evaluation process for Emphysema Center Moinhos-de Vento Hospital and found that heBЂ ™ SA candidate for valve implantation. HeBЂ ™ s plans to go under the knife today, March 16. HeBЂ ™ s already looking forward to a better life. And he wants to make sure that others do not follow his path. BЂњI know how hard it is to quit smoking, but not impossible itBЂ ™, BЂ, "he says. BЂњStop while there is still time. BЂ "

* EditorBЂ ™ viewers: Infosurhoy. com

publish a report on March 23 of current research in the use of stem cells for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. .

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